thanks, i know im young, but i know i love my girl and i will take full responsiblity if i do get her pregnant,and the only reason we are even trying to have intercourse is cause i have been going out with her for hmm ...7months now which is quite long.
But me and my girlfriend are worried? am i going impotent?cuase at the start of are relation ship when she did give me blow jobs and handjobs(thats all) i would stay errect but as months pasted is whent down and now i cant achive full erection. she is feeling bad , cause she does'nt think i like her anymore and she thinks thats why it wont go up, and thats not it at all i love her, what can i do to make it go up again im worried, should i stop masterbaitin completly? should i eat different foods ? or just relax like u said thanks for ur help apreiacate it!