Thank you Carl13 and Phattemer
I sure am learning a lot. I will be taking Dyflucan for a while, and also have the nystatin - that I will use in much diulted form in a saline sollution for nasal application. I have been using a Vit B complex, with folic acid as well - but did not knw about the co-enzyme Vit B - again, learning more.
With all the tests I did have with Doc, it was my kidneys that were showing "stress" - but not harm/damage - we caught whatever it is on time.
I have had one good week - in the last 9. this past week, could think clearer, felt more energy, sleeping better (but now, the nightmares - wow! Not usually an experience for me). 11 days ago I started 4 days with 3000 mgs a day for Coenzyme CQ10 - and voila' = clearer cognition! It has been wonderful. As I udnerstand it, a lot of yeasties would have been killed of by that large dose. Still I am very tired a lot. The P&B shakes are getting a lot going - 2-3 a day BM, no mucus, no paratites that I can see. I did start
Black-Walnut and garlic daily too, for that. I have also been using the smooth move tea - but no big explosions come yet.
I have the Threelac and ogygen action plus - I have ordered paragone - 3 weeks ago - not arrived yet! I am waiting to use any of those after the new year. Plan to simply continue with my P&B shakes, suppliments - bowel clean really - till after new year - oh, I will also be in Mexico, so think it a good idea to continue with the cleanse - and
parasite cleans after, as planned.
Thanks for your comments and suggestions. Already I feel improvement, and I credit the cleanse with that! I am just now still on the verge of anothe r sinus infection and that is what started the entire decline for me mid-Sept! This time, around, NO
Antibiotics !