dear nspeth,
thank you for your answers to my questions here and there in these forums.
I was reading what you wrote to Madelle about you having taken P&B shakes for 7 weeks and that it works. This solves my problem now that I found out about the candida and cannot do Ultimate Cleanse anymore. I doubted of the effectiveness of P&B while eating but that's probably because I tried only a few days, not giving it the time to work.
I also like very much the salty water oral flushes, it's an ancient ayurvedic practice i've been told, called shamprakshalana. What about Epsom salt? how much do you take? and how often were you making the flushes during these 7 weeks?
In any case, when you feel like taking a pause from your normal program, I suggest you warmly to try a fasting or a monodiet combined with P&B shakes and salty water oral flush taken every day,it's very very powerful...