I'm starting tomorrow too!! We can be buddies!! I just got a quart of b-syrup and I have 18 lemons, and lots of salt and pepper that should last a least the first week.... I will take a Senna tea before bed tonight and start on the yummy lemonade in the morning. I won't do the first SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) until day 2 after the lemonade and pepper have had a chance to start their beautiful work. This is my second time but I'm a little scared also. My husband is also supporting me to do this because he knows how good it made me feel last time. I would like to lose about 10 or 15 pounds which should be easy but even more than that I want to clear my mind. I've been very toxic lately eating and drinking things I never would have touched before (meat and alcohol after 5& 7 years without either!!), I've been unemployed for about 6 months now its driving me a little crazy. There are many reasons to do the cleanse and luckily its easy just 3 ingredients and this chatty board really helps a lot....