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Told I smell TOXIC at work!!!

Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.

Mercury Detox
Dental work and fillings, not a problem.

Miss Scarletwhiskers Views: 6,525
Published: 22 y

Told I smell TOXIC at work!!!

I get told all the time at work I look tired. But I got told the other day at work that I smell TOXIC. Yikes! What do you say to that??? I know it must be because I am parasite/ Liver Cleansing right now and it IS true that all my bowel movements comming out --when I CAN get them out-- are dark black. Strange thing is, I never see any worms. But toxic stuff must be comming out because of the dark color, right? It makes me not want to leave the house anymore, knowing that I REAK!!!! I can also sense that I've aquired a nasty case of kitten breath during all this as well. (more comments at work from yet another coworker have confirmed this belief!) My tounge has had a cream colored coating over it for quite awhile now. Even before cleansing.

I have a really bad candida/ parasite problem so I cannot suck on any peppermint candies or chew gum, etc.No wonder my boyfriend doesn't want to touch me with a 10 foot pole! It's not JUST the weight gain like he said, it must also be MY STENCH!!! I can't live like this anymore. I eat nothing but light vegtables and vegetable juices, seeds and nuts and poultry, eggs. I am HUNGRY all the time.


I've gained about 45 pounds over a year and a half. (fortunately I was only 90 pounds before this mysterious weight gain occured.) Diet never changed.
I had already been on a no grain, anti-candida diet. The only thing that helps SLOW the weight gain is taking BILE SALTS with my meals. However, I cannot keep up financially with the amount I require, and it still doesn't stops the gaining completely.

This makes me think my weight gain is due to stagnant bile or something. I already know my liver/gallbladder are compromised. I have fatty liver and HAD raised enzymes before flushing. Ever since starting parasite cleansing I feel things crawling in my back all the time. I know the parasites are living in there because I have seen a number of them come out stuck to the stones. Some older, some eggs, and some in the midst of hatching out of their eggs!

They are tiny little brown worms that look like any doctor could easily write them off as fiber --but it would be obvious to all here that they are NOT fiber. Their eggs look like poppy seed size, but brown in color. I've seen more than one worm hatching out of one of these eggs at the same time. (Unless one worm was split into two!) Anyone know what KIND of worms these are living in my liver??? I guess I just need a little lovin' send my way right now! I will continue cleansing and flushing at all costs, and will stay on my non-grain diet. God help us all.

Thanks for any encouragement.



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