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yikes! :(
yemaya Views: 6,165
Published: 22 y
This is a reply to # 527,406

yikes! :(

Sounds like you need to get some of those toxins out pronto.....

I recommend a colonic ASAP..... and follow one a week or every other week for a series of eight....

You are throwing off too much for your body to handle right now..... be gentle with yourself and slow down.....

You dont want to further comprimise you liver.....

You need to add one two or several of the following to your cleanse....

infared sauna treatments
exercise ( a must) that makes you sweat
clay baths
Epsom Salt baths
detox foot pads

these will reduce the support your body while it works to clean out..... If you dont help you body get rid of this junk you could do harm to yourself... especially in your case.....

If you choose to use fragrance..please only use natural essential oil...anything else will hurt your liver...

Have you started liver flushes?

Be gentle to yourself... you are really doing a wonderful thing ........ Take care....


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