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I know where you're coming from.
zithappens Views: 1,424
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 526,870

I know where you're coming from.

A few months ago, I was in very much the same situation as you. My 'would be' pulled the same sh** on me. Went for someone 10 years younger than either of us.

Don't worry. The homicidal thoughts will go away after awhile. Unfortunately, it took an awful lot of beer to get rid of mine. Main reason I'm here is to undo the damage that all that self inlicted 'therapy' did.

In my case, and it sounds like your case too, all I can say is that it's better that something like that happen sooner rather than later. Here's hoping that we both find someone worthy of us in the future.

Keep your head up,

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