Parasites - Brain question...
Hello All,
An iridologist said she thought I might have
parasites in my brain, which also corresponds with some of Clark's cases with depression, manic depression, etc.
I am pursuing the full cleanse and clean up protocal's, and am wondering if anyone has specific suggestions for cleaning up
parasites in the brain? I have done the coenzyme Q-10, and am considering the purchase of an ozonator to do the ozonated olive oil and
Ascaris mop up, with L-Cysteine, the
Clarkia parasite tincture, with more bowel cleansing, RASCALS, liver flushes, kidney flushes, etc. etc.
I have been using the Zapper, and am considering either the frequency sweep RSG-4 zapper, or the Magnetic Pulser to add in to the protocal.
Any other suggestions?