Exactly! ;)
A researcher (A PH.D) is using electromagnetic medicine or electric medicine is successfully treating a couple of bipolar patients by using a frequency generator or high tech rife instrument, and other instrumentation (I don't understand the equipment(Advanced Bio-Photon Analyzer, etc.) , it's very high tech, NASA level type of technology) to treat them.
It seems they have the borna virus, which is a current speculation as a cause in many schizophrenia's and bipolar patients. When these bipolar's have "flare ups", he is able to counter the borna virus with his equipment or devices, which I am still learning about. This is exciting research, and the work this guy is doing is very interesting to me.
I have also been studying the Pfeiffer Center, and looking over what they test for, in terms of heavy metals, parasites, vitamins, minerals, etc. etc. I will apply for testing to them, if I can get the funds. I don't think they can or do test for the borna virus.
I have also looked over the work of Dr. Albert Hoffer of Canada, and his successful treatments of Schizophrenia and other mental disorders with megadoses of Vitamin B3, Vitamin C, and later, in other cases, additionally Vitamin B6, etc.
Of course I need to find out exactly what is wrong, as this would give me precision in treatment. At the moment I am trying to implement the various protocals and cleanse's of Clark and Shulze. If it is a viral cause, for example, I may turn toward more frequency generator, and Beck Protocals, after doing the initial Clark and Shulze cleanses and clean ups.
So I am still honing it down. For those of you that are very serious in treating mental illness in yourself or a loved one, as I make this journey through hell and back, I offer the following websites for your information. Each has something "key" to offer, in putting the puzzle together. To save me time on these posts, and to give you other researchers and onlooker's potential insight, I'll just add in the "additional" tests that Pfieffer Center runs in working with biochemical imbalances, and an email that gives you the tests I am tracking down on my own to get further insight into what is going on with me, and exactly how to approach it, or rather focus it down. I realize that in any event, a complete a lifelong lifestyle habit of health and cleansing, proper diet is most important, but I have to get to the root of illness as well, treat it appropriately.
Note the posting on this website about electromagnetic medicine and bipolar disorder treatment based on the borna virus infection -
Dr. Albert Hoffer
http://www.islandnet.com/~hoffer/ http://www.doctoryourself.com/hoffer_krypto.html , and Carl Pfeiffer
http://www.hriptc.org/ with orthomolecular medicine, mainly megadosing vitamin B3, and the "True Hope" nutritional program/organization, also out of Canada
Overall, I found this website of great help as well -
Of course, I am getting what lab work I can from my local doctor. I took the tests to him that the Pfieffer Center runs, thinking he could simply follow their lead, run all the tests, and we could take it from there. However, he didn't even know what a couple of the tests were, and questioned the need for heavy metal testing, stating that the only heavy metal testing he had ever gave was for a woman who thought or suspected her husband was poisoning her. (I got the impression he was thinking she was "paranoid"). He didn't even know what the Kryptopyrrole urine test was for!!! I should be recieving my own hair analysis test from Scanascan today or tommorrow, which I had to find, and send off for completely on my own, and due to my own research!!!
So, I go in tommorrow to get the lab work done, which is just the CBC, TSH, Free T4, and CBC. The test for histamines, and kryptopyrroles, and other vital tests for dealing with biochemical imbalances are absent, of course, due to his IGNORANCE, and lack of "insight". UGH!!! I hand him the tests off the insurance predetermination forms taken from the PFIEFFER website (previously), and give him the data on what is reputedly the TOP treatment and testing center in the world for these mental disorders, thinking that he would simply follow the lead and run the tests, as I cannot yet afford to go to the Pfieffer Center for the much needed lab tests. He was also going to "Get back to me" after talking to a psychiatrist friend of his about the idea of using nutritional supplements to treat a psychiatric disorder. This was in response to me giving him the TRUE HOPE packet of information for professional health care providers, which has articles from clinical psychiatric journals to back up the idea, etc. etc.
So, I am still going after all this, with a focus on testing for now. I am ordering the synchrometer manual, the latest Clark book on AIDS/HIV to learn more of her techniques, and plate zapping info, as suggested by Ms. Lightning.
I am also looking forward to discovering if the other source can use his equipment to pick up the frequencies of any pathogens and or viruses in my system. I will then consider the possibility of confirming this with him, or someone with an F2-Scan machine. I am also trying to contact either Clark's clinique, or a practioner that can do synchrometer testing on my saliva.
So, that's where I am for now. I am lacking the funds to do the entire "Incurables Program" or the full Beck Protocals, and in the case of a potential borna virus infection, a frequency generator, and consultation with others in that field will be more appropriate or supplemental perhaps. On the other hand, if it's more biochemical, my approach would be more towards the cleanses and diet, and orthomolecular or nutritional. I know the basics are the same overall, as to what needs to be done, but in my case, I need the precision of finding out exactly what the root cause of it all is as well, to keep me from landing in the hospital again.
They have never run any tests on me, and I suggested the M.R.I. to my doctor, because I do have the spot on my Iris at 1 O'clock over the "hallucinations" and "obsessions" section of my brain, or midbrain, on some Iris charts. I had an extreme blow to the head at age 3, and thought this may be wise to check. The family physician was kind of hesitant on this idea as well, and didn't give the script, at my suggestion on this.
Lastly, those two tests I am going after are in this email copy -
call the following foundation, and diagnostic center in Great Britian, and Scotland to order the following tests -
The Niacin Skin Patch Test for use in the diagnosis of schizophrenia, and a Breath Test (OSI or oxidative stress indicator) that indicates the presence of abnormal amounts of certain gases associated with disorders of the brain.
Pan Diagnostics Ltd
Ness House
Dochfour Business Centre
Scotland, UK
Telephone. 01463 220407
F. 01463 220256
E. info@pan-diagnostics.com
Registered in Scotland No. 183115
Registered as above.
The Ness Foundation
Ness House
Dochfour Business Centre
telephone: 01463 220 407
f: 01463 220 256
*** So, the Oxidative Stress Indicator, I believe, can tell me how my body is handling the Omega 3 fatty acids, but check out the details on your own.
Here are the "additional" tests the Pfeiffer Center
http://www.hriptc.org runs in work with mentally ill patients and biochemical imbalances -
Test name Price
Adrenocortex Stress Profile $ 175.00
Amino Acid $ 300.00
Amino Acids Analysis, Urine $ 400.00
Bacteriology Culture & Sensitivity $75.00
Candida, $80.00
Clostridium Difficile Toxin A. Assay $75.00
Clostridium Difficult Toxin B Assay $75.00
Comprehensive Detoxification Profile $ 300.00
Comprehensive Stool Digestive Analysis/Great Smokies $ 275.00
Comprehensive Stool Digestive Analysis
parasites $ 405.00
Comprehensive Vitamin Profile, 17 Vitamins $ 360.00
Detoxification Profile Standard $ 130.00
Essential Fatty Acids $ 365.00
Fecal Toxic Metal Elements $ 150.00
Female Hormone Profile $ 280.00
Female Hormone Profile/ Menopause $ 250.00
Female Hormone Profile/Menopause-Comprehensive $ 340.00
Female Hormone Profile-Comprehensive $ 500.00
food allergy Comprehensive $ 440.00
food allergy Profile $ 330.00
Immune Deficiency Panel $ 250.00
Male Hormone Profile- Comprehensive $ 300.00
Oxidative Stress Analysis, Urine $80.00
Urine Organic Acids (Yeast) $ 280.00
Urine Peptides $ 170.00
Urine Toxic Metal Profile $ 110.00
Yeast Culture $87.00
Yeast Culture with Sensitivity $ 200.00
I have the other tests from their insurance predetermination forms, but they are currently revising them.
So, my personal research, testing, and pursuit of treating and hopefully "curing" myself of this "mental illness" is ongoing. I look forward to learning more about "plate zapping", and the synchrometer manual/testing.
I am also looking forward to what can be discovered from the other technology that will be employed electromagnetically, which could perhaps lead to the frequency generator work, and maybe an FScan to pinpoint down any parasitical or viral presence.
What's so "insane" and "crazy" is that I managed a residential care facility for over 5 years, working with the mildly to severly mentally ill and mentally handicapped. I know all about this field, or so I thought, and am still learning. Dr. Alber Hoffer's information is incredible also -
I am still learning, pursuing what I can currently afford, and implement into my lifestyle. I am angry at the "establishment" medical system. I thought I knew and understood all there was to know about "mental illness" because my job for years was to manage almost every aspect of care for the mildly to severally mentally ill in our facility (family owns it). I have been to the mental hospital 6 times now. What test's have been run? None, but a typical blood test.
It was only a general CBC, and "depakote" level. The depakote gave me a burning ulcer, until I stopped taking it. The one and only time I was ever depressed in my entire life to the point of tears was after being on depakote for 6 weeks, which I later learned in the PDR is a side effect of this medication!!!
Seroquel leads to impotence in some, and a 3.34 increase in diabetes, a problem for which they are currently being litigated against, or at least one law firm is taking investigations into, and cases on. As the psychiatrist's have stated "you have a chronic illness that can be "treated" but never cured, and even medication can only hope to "manage" it, but there is no guaruntee you will not end up in the hospital again, or that this medicine will work, etc. etc. They take your symptoms or behavior, and try their favorite drug company or pharmaceutical company potion on you! It sometime's depends on what drug sales rep. the doctor like's the best, and you can even tell that by what pen's and accessories with the drugs name on it are, that they prescribe the most. I am being sarcastic a bit, but yet, there is a lot of truth to that sarcasm. It's a Russian Roulette form of medicine, psychiatric medicine in America, it's wicked, and a band aid, a tranquilizer or biochemical fix that is temporary at best. This is my opinion. I am so angry that they have run no tests after all this time, and I am the one who has to try to "educate" my doctor's, and push to get tests ran!!! This is why I need to, and have contacted different doctor's to pursue other tests, and treatment input.
They just assume you are bipolar or mentally ill, and there is a set of medications, try them until you find one that "works", be content to accept this chemical castration, and often times "chemical" lobotamy. Joy! Not!
In addition to the other things, I have a list of physicians who use orthomolecular therapy in my area on it's way to me by mail as well.
In any case, I will keep posting as to what I discover, and hope sincerely we can continue to all learn and grow here. Curezone has been the chief source of leads, and research. Thank you!