First flush--and still flushing
Hi everyone! So excited about my first flush. Last night, I made a olive oil and lemon drink. Rested for about half and hour while doing a liver massage. I then did a
coffee enema and felt so light and good afterwards. A couple hours after the enema, I had apple juice with
Epsom Salts --my first of four such drinks--they really aren't that bad. Maybe it was the freshed juiced apple juice. After the second drink, I had grapefruit juice with a little lemon mixed in olive oil. I actually like this drink. The first one I had with lemon wasn't bad, but the grapefruit makes it sweet and it tasted pretty good.
I slept really well last night. Felt little gurglings going on inside, but nothing dramatic--I kind of wanted a little drama--nothing major though. I was praying that no stones got stuck!
Since my third and final fourth cup of epsom and apple juice this morning, I've been running to the bathroom about every 20 minutes. It's mostly diarrhea, but I have seen a few small green "stones." So are these the bile stones? There are also these whitish/yellowish things floating on top of the water. They kind of look like pineapple chunks or small garlic cloves. Upon further inspection, they look kind of like french fry pieces--I've eaten TONS of french fries throughout my life. Is this cholesterol, you think? What could that be? I guess there is also a chaff on the water too.
I was hoping for more stones, but maybe they will continue to come out. I still haven't eaten anything. Drank a little water. I don't think I really want to eat too much today.
I'm wondering if I'm pretty cleaned out. My biggest vice throughout my life were french fries. I never really ate meat, except for some salmon here and there, but as of late (the last two months) I've been trying to do majority raw foods. Do you think my second flush (want to do it again in two weeks) will produce more stones? Are they hiding?
Thanks for reading!