Cleanse Shortcut?
Hi all. I have done about 9
Liver Cleanses already and really starting to despise drinking the
Epsom Salts . Not only the taste, but for whatever reason, the stuff makes me feel sickly, moody, and leaves annoying pains in my stomach area for a day or two later. I thought it was the olive oil/juice combo pushing out stones that caused this terible feelings, but my last attempt was cut short for various reasons and I ended up doing just the
Epsom Salt drinks. Even though I only used the salts and didnt get any stones out, I still felt as miserable as if I would've done the oil and got out hundreds of stones. I would like to know if anyone has done the liver cleanse without using
Epsom Salts at all, while still geting many stones out. If you have had success without using epsom salt, please post. Also, has anyone done successful cleanses without doing the fast? Perhaps cheating a bit and eating only fruit? I know the cleanses arent that difficult, but I know I would do them more regularly if I could expect some success while having a partially full stomach, or not have to take the salts and feel sick the next day when I have to function at full capacity. Thanks