Easy questions........
Dr. Clark (he is a she) doesn't care when you flush. She might have suggested a weekend because most people work during the week. But, anytime you want to flush, try it! There have even been people who flush during the day! I wouldn't recommend it, though.
The ornithine is for the toxins that WILL be released during your flush. I used it a couple of times, but that was all. It's entirely up to you. One thing is for sure---Everyone is so hyped furing the first flush that they don't sleep anyway!
As far as regaining your strength, everyone is different. You may feel absolutely wonderful after your first flush. But, even if you are a little weak after your first flush, it will go away by mid afternoon the next day. You will bo so pumped after seeing all those stones, you will be planning your next flush!
So, just do it!
GOod luck and good health!
Paulettte G.