Curious this one...
Usually what you describe goes around the whole eye...
What you describe indicates Circulation/Lymphatic issues in the Upper Abdomen, Thorax, and the Lung.
I'm inclined to say Chinese Medicine (and acupuncture) for 'Meridian Blockage' to be of benefit...
Until then, try Body-Brushing several times per day.
Also, squeezing gently your fingertips and toes 2-3 reps of 5-10 times several times per day (this stimulates the Lymphatic system in general).
Also, a daily tonic of 2T Cider Vinegar and 2T Honey in a glass of Warm water.
Kombucha Tea Fungus as well...
Any other spots/gaps/discolourations in the pupils?
Any particular red areas in the 'whites' (Sclera)?
Whats your Blood-Type?