Thanks Rowan!
Thanks for your congratulations - I ended up not really taking the path I intended to, but hey, the road's a lot longer than I thought, so I'm outta the jeep and into a lexus for a while. Or wherever it is I'm trying to go with that analogy!
Congrats on YOUR cleansing! You actually got some serious results and changes! Lost your craving for caffeine, sugar, and junk food, and are now eating raw! And you know what, Rowan? That's a big thing. Even if 6 months from now you discover that you've gradually added more and more "non-raw" stuff, you've made some major leaps in both your thinking and your habits. And you are absolutely to be commended for that, and for being willing to undergo what goes with the process.
Not enough energy right now - yeah, I can relate. Mental energy, anyway, and that's a crucial factor in doing this, I imagine.
Yes, I'll be around, but not 24 and 7 like I was for a while. But oh, the posts accumulate so quickly! You will be staying around too, yes? You and I shared some stuff from our pasts only a couple time in a few short sentences, but between men and partying , I'll bet lots of my stories sound like yours, and lots of YOUR stories sound like mine!
Thanks, Rowan - you're groovy!