Off MC last night - end day 10
I broke my MC fast last night at the end of day 10. Actually, beginning Monday with a headache, some depression, some decent poops (not just silt), and a tongue a BIT fuzzier, I think it was FINALLY starting to kick in. But I have cheese in my
veins, not blood - I'd be on this thing for eons.
So I'm continuing the parasite program, starting my Master Detox 4-step colon cleansing pill program on Monday. Planning to skip the dairy and all the protein I used to eat for the hypoglycemia, and hit the MC again in about a month - when the colon has had a head start.
The broth last night - OH THE BROTH!!!!! I even stopped reading while eating, to just FOCUS ON THE BROTH. I am NOT a vegetable soup person. I am NOT a vegetable person! I am CERTAINLY NOT a HOME-MADE vegetable soup person - but aye carumba, that stuff was DIVINE!!!!! I did JUST broth - veggies in the soup have to wait a day or so (salivating as I type!)
Freshly squeezed orange juice for breakfast, and a glass now - had more broth for lunch - chomped some of the rice and chewed a few carrot and celery pieces well.
Broiled salmon Friday night - here I come........YOWZA!!!!