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Yep; used Garden of life, yep...I'm of western European descent!
MidlothianGirl Views: 2,597
Published: 22 y
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Yep; used Garden of life, yep...I'm of western European descent!

You got it right Shelleycat! I totally agree with you on the bloodtype thing and respecting your genetic tendencies. It only makes sense, ay?

I love ALL of Garden of Life products and believe that they are superior; we have literally tried every single one of them!!!

This was my original hypothesis when I started discovering I needed to flush my liver and my body went beserk in the fall. I had been taking the coconut oil through the summer and really thought I was doing something great for my body. Then, I ASSUMED that the coconut oil had killed a bunch of parasites in my liver and that that was the problem. However, I have now discovered that I just plain don't digest the stuff very well. I do get pains if I consume more than a tablespoon of it; it obviously doesn't sit well with me at all.

But I am a mixture of Scotch/German/Irish/English/Native American (great grandmother was a full Indian native, but I am very fair and green-eyed and look more German than anything).

I only used the Garden of Life brand because Jason said in his book that most coconut oil (even the organic stuff) was highly processed and didn't possess the healing properties it should when processed the right way utilizing native methods. His stuff only comes from the Phillipines where they do it right. It is solid at room temperature, and tastes great!:-)

Anyway, that's my story.


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