Re:For all of you read this please!Thank you in advance!
First of all I want to salute you all! My name is Vlad and I used to post messages on the
Candida Forum but after a visit to the doctor I was told that I'm suspected of CD! So for the past few days I was searching the net for all the informations about CD that I can get!
So coming to the point regarding the discussions you guys have here, I want to state my point of view:
1.CD is thought to be hereditary so it has to be something tied to genetical codes that we inherited from our ancestors
2.CD is supposed to be a desease in the view of modern medicine(autoimune desease)
3.The rate of CD has grown in the past years for nobody really knows the reasons for its growth
4.The only known remedy is a GF strict diet
5.Many of the sufferers cannot eat dairy products
After a good thinking I reached the conclusion that CD sufferers must eat in the absolutely same way as the prehistorical people did in the past.....this fact makes me wonder who are the "really" sick ones? us or them? Maybe we are the only unmodified(evolutionary speaking)people that live on Earth, right? So why should we have to be scared if we don't eat milk, grains, and other stuff(mostly junk food!)that in the past were not available for eating anyway? So try for one moment to see the CD(and also the other autoimune related deseases as Chron, Candida, Cronic Fatigue, etc) from this angle!'s not so scary anymore, right? Maybe we are the healthiest peoples on Earth! Best wishes to you all. Vlad from Bucharest, Romania, 29 years old.
P.S We don't have to eat grains, milk, and other stuff(modern food) to be healthy and live a normal life! Our ancestors hadn't and they didn't die from this! Just think about it from this point of view!