Hi Coulter!!
I see this is going more and more sentimental, sorry for the delay, I´ve been busy with several things at the same time and a little isolated without Internet access, but again, here I go.
you said---------------------------
Okay, at this point I don't think I can convince you because you're in denial of the fact that the medical students and experts are more credible than these nuts on the internet who want to sell you a pill that will "negate the effects of gluten" or these sites that claim you can cure a genetic autoimmune system disease if a doctor flushes your liver, rips out your kidneys, breaks your ribs, or does some other crazy thing that does not alter the genetics, which is where celiac disease originates in the first place. Nonetheless, I know that some people do come here and if I can add twenty years to one person's life by typing here for fifteen minutes, then I've accomplished something.
If it was possible to reverse the genetics, why wouldn't these multiple establishments across the US and the world have thought of that? And how would some goof have discovered that this
Liver Flush can reverse the gentics? And once again, how can you erase something from your genetic code by flushing your liver? If that's the case, then couldn't a retarded person just get a brain flush or a scalp wash or something and alter the genetics? To reply to your statement: "...at this point, we cannot say that autoimmune disorders cannot be reversed or cured because you were born with an autoimmune disease or because it is written in your genetic code." well, at this point the only possible way seems to be through stem cell research (whether you favor it or not) but I just don't see how this moronic
Liver Flush can alter your genetics. And if your genetics aren't altered, then you have celiac and it is damaging you whether you feel it or not.
This is not as easy as ridicule someone or something or as easy as giving you a list of links or as easy as saying “there is no cure”, it is not the product of my point of view or my personal perception, nor the product of sentimental or emotional statements like some of yours. You are not going to help anyone in this way. It took me longer than a year to gather this information and to find out some correlation to what the
Science accepts as official. Of course, I cannot explain everything what I am telling you because is not the task of a single person like me but the work of many thousand more. As I told you before, neither your researcher friends nor anybody understand the complete chemical reactions in our body.
Cleanses might seem to be magical but they are not, you may judge them stupid if you only account on your perception and emotional thoughts. This is one of the major weaknesses of the science, “to judge based on our personal logic which is always relative and variable because it depends on our own educational background and experiences accumulated. I see this everyday with some of the most brilliant of my teachers and colleagues. They are supposed to be among the best in their disciplines but they live so isolated in one sphere of knowledge that they ignore too many other spheres in which they are almost blind.
What I have done up to now is not limited to cleanses but a combination of them with many other additional supplements, nutrients and an astringent discipline. Thus far, I only have something like independent clues but I do not understand how are they connected one each other, but as I said, my body does have the intelligence to understand what I do not. Once, that your start to be more than a follower of what you read in the Internet, books, technical documents, experimental placebos (official and alternative), one starts to discover many things that can help to modulate the immune system. My position of why Celiac can be cured is based on the idea that somehow you can make a remarkable healthy immune system if you achieve to make it understand and distinguish between the body´s own cells (self) and foreign cells, pathogens or antigens (nonself), This can be true regardless of whether you develop the symptoms during the first months of your life or your develop Celiac during a mature age. I believe that our strongest discrepancy is that you say “its genetic and cannot be cured”, I say, yes, it´s genetic, but this only makes you more susceptible to develop Celiac than others without the genetic mark.
Thus far the few things that I hardly understand are:
- The adrenal glands´ connection to the immune system through hormones production
- Relationship among Liver, Kidneys and Immune system
- Lymphatic System, Thymus gland, spleen and generation of lymphocytes and other immune cells.
- Relationship between pathogens (Virus, Fungi. Parasites) and Immune System
- Cellular regeneration and sick-cells destruction as factors of Proper Cellular and Immune Communication.
- Immune system modulation.
- The influence of Intestines and Colon over the Immune System.
- Intestinal Flora (friendly bacteria) and Immune System.
- Celiac Disease is also influenced by digestive enzymatic processes.
There are a couple of questions that I do not even have the slightest clue where to start, looks like your modern
Science does not have the answer yet. They are:
- I want to believe that all of the body organs work in a closed-loop, this is, they feedback one each other either directly or indirectly. If so, then how all the organs influence the bone marrow where the stem cells you talk about are generated? I have read tons of information without finding a close answer. (if someone reads this, hope has some information to share).
- Is it impossible to normalize your bone marrow in such a way as to make it fabricate enough stem cells and healthy stem cells?
- What the heck in our body commands cytokines and stem cells to be converted into B or T-cells, phagocytes and other weird immune units?
- Next question is what regulates “Clonal Deletion” (the process that helps in avoiding B and T cell maturation in order to prevent healthy tissues attack).
- How healthy or sick body´s organs influence cellular communication and immune signaling?
Somewhere, I remember have read that cellular communication and immune signaling are of major importance in autoimmune diseases, they are key factors, this is why stem cells are being considered as one of most promissory methods for autoimmune diseases cure, unfortunately that seems to be distant yet, but anyway coming back to the method I am pursuing, what I am attempting to achieve with my crazy things is precisely this, normalize my cellular communication and immune signaling, so my immune system will not go crazy any longer. I have read that the immune signaling is due to two group of factors, 1) Marks. Antigens have marks, so this marks work like green or red lights telling to attack or not to attack the pathogen 2) Immune Signaling is achieved through a dynamic network of billions and billions of cells, some just attack and some others just work as inducers or cheergirls promoting attacks and generating warnings.
Here, I cannot explain everything first because I do not understand completely how this is working and second because I would need to write a book, but briefly according to the order of the list above.
Hormones and IS (Immune System): This is where nutrients to nourish your adrenal glands fit, they, together with hypothalamus, pituitary and the gonads work to generate diverse family of hormones which in turn regulate other hormones production.
Liver and kidneys, they are the most complex organs after the brain, mainly the liver. Liver is related to almost everything in your body, for example synthesis of complex sugars such as glyconutrients from glucose, production of billis that helps to digest food including carbs, detoxification and other hundreds of activities. Some of these hundreds of activities are related to immune modulation somehow. I have noticed after my program that my asthma and allergies have disappeared as well. Liver also work as a storage place where nutrients, toxins and heavy metals are kept and if the liver is not working well then it will not be able to get you rid of the toxins and heavy metals that we catch easily in our polluted environment.
Thymus, spleen and lymphatic tissues are each in charge of the production of specialized immune cells, so it makes sense cleanse and nourishing of these organs for immune modulation.
It is widely accepted that Virus, Fungi and
parasites impair the immune system in different ways. Fungi like Candida is day by day more accepted to influence the immune system because it is able to modify the way it reacts. The most dangerous are the virus whose actions are supposed to work at the cellular level affecting the cell-to-cell communication process and causing cellular corruption. There are multiple herbs that have anti-fungal, anti-viral and anti-microbial activity but one must combine them with herbs that increment the number of T-Killer cells and their activity that comprise the first front to invaders. I achieved to kill my Epstein Barr Virus guest by doing so without taking any
Antibiotics ; at least, this is what the lab tests say.
The lymphatic system cleanse is of major importance because it produces the lymphocytes.
I have read a couple of placebos and technical documents in which certain nutrients like aminoacids (cysteine, glutamine, glycine and glutathione) are involved in cellular regeneration.
Also, there are multiple herbs included in my first post (many of them make a coincidence for liver cleanse) that work for immune modulation, by the way, I forgot to include vitamin D, aminoacids and Cat´s Claw in the list.
Intestines and
Colon Cleanse is important because in this way you can get rid of wastes and hard to kill
parasites that impair your immune system. Flora colonization is of paramount importance, there are so much research around that has concluded that friendly bacteria is part of our immune system.
Celiac is not merely a genetic disorder, is related to enzymes disorder and digestion as well. Here once again, the liver secretions and in addition the pancreas are related. Probably, CD sufferers also lack of amylase production which is transported over saliva. There is a connection between this enzyme and gluten absorption. In fact, Celiac is the combination of allergic reactions, gastrointestinal intolerance and altered enzymatic processes (or deficiencies). There are some studies showing that Celiac Patients get worse eating gluten and protease type enzymes than when eating gluten with no enzymes. Conversely, in other experiments, CD patients did not show neither symptoms nor reactions when combining gluten with amylase + glucoamylase because such enzymes work together synergistically to break down the gliadin reactive part. Also, it has been discovered that certain bacteria in the intestines produces enzymes that break down gliadin rendering gluten food harmless.
Can you see? After all I am not that clueless as you stated at the beginning.
you said----------------------------------
My "smart friends" do have extremely accurate research...and they are only deciphering a small part of the puzzle...but they're the ones who found out about celiac in the first place--that found out the cause, did studies, have various goals for maybe one day making that pill that will stop the gluten from attacking the lining of the intestine (and have four other ideas that they are researching). At this point, though, the only feasible way to "cure" celiac would be through stem cells--since it's genetic
If you really have the contact with your researcher friends, then tell them that they will never discover a cure for Celiac as long as they disregard the organs feedback process, otherwise, after millions of dollars invested the final result will be as always: a pill (medicine or drug) with suppressing immune activity and with killer side effects that sells well like those already developed to treat cancer. If I were a medical or biologist researcher, I would promote the formation of an entirely new branch of the medicine completely dedicated to the study of organs´ feedback processes.
I want to anticipate to your future comments, and I want to say, yes, you are right I do not possess the absolute truth and some of the things above might be wrong, however
After all, I am not the only one who claims these kinds of things, there are many others that work in silence. If I fail, I have a second option with my homeopathic doctor who cured my asthma around 13 years ago. I remember have followed his treatment for a year and a half and after that period of time my asthma and allergies symptoms disappeared during 8 years without following a specific diet or having any other allopathic treatment along. The curious part of this is that asthma and allergies are autoimmune disorders that are accepted officially as incurable diseases, so who is wrong or right ? He told me that my Celiac can be healed in the same way as with my asthma but I did not want visit him because my problem represents a unique opportunity to learn about my body and experiment with it.
you said-----------------------
didn't say that at all! If you follow a gluten-free diet you should be healthy. If you do not follow a gluten-free diet, stuides have shown (though you probably won't accept them because they're done by these "primitive scientists") that you are at a GREATLY increased risk of developing intestinal cancers, osteoporosis, type 1 diabetes, lupus, malnutrition, anemia...the list goes on. And you could lose 20 years off your life or more as a result. Your T-cells will not go crazy for the rest of your life. Once the gluten stops being ingested, the T-cells will stop, the villi will grow back, and you will be fine. I am saying that there is no cure--you have to follow a gf diet for life--but if you make this "sacrifice" you will have health, which is more important to me than eating whole wheat bread.
I´ve been telling you the same in every post, I agree with you in this part. I already told you that your immune system will sucumb to the daily gluten but will not happen the same if you eat gluten bread eventually, for example once a month once that your IS is on balance. I cannot reverse my genetics but I can make my T-cells and antigens less sensitive and less reactive.
you said-----------------------
Celiac has nothing to do with pathogens, bacteria, or viruses. And the gliadin will react with the t-cells no matter how long you eat gluten. I do not have celiac disease because I was inhaling too much dust and pollutants. I have celiac disease because I had the gene and because the gene was triggered. It cannot be untriggered and I accept that. I think it's ridiculous to think that if you keep ingesting gluten you'll get used to it. That's like saying someone has the AIDS virus, so why don't you just keep getting more and more of the virus in you and you'll get used to it and cure it...that's ridiculous.
You did not understand it, please read again my last post, I did not tell you that Celiac is related to pathogens, I just told you that your IS "THINKS THAT GLUTEN IS A PATHOGEN". I just made an analogy between gluten and pathogens to make understand why you cannot cure Celiac without a free gluten diet on daily basis.
you said--------------------
Now, I have acknowledged that at this point, these medical professionals see no way to cure celiac disease. Tell me how this
Liver Flush or whatever is supposed to work. If someone flushed my intestines or anything else, why would that stop the gluten from causing a chemical reaction in the T-cell, why would that reverse something that was in my genes--and why would it do that to you? Maybe it would get rid of your symptoms, but I have a question. Did you have an endoscopy done for diagnosis? Or blood tests? And were they definitely positive? If so, I would love if you would go test again for celiac disease having been on gluten; elevated levels signify celiac disease unless you're on a gluten-free diet when your antibodies go down and you might test negative even though you have CD.
My tests include (results a year and a half ago)
Gliadin IgA: 22
Gliadin IgG. 25
Tissue Transglutaminase IgA: 10
Tissue Transglutaminase IgG:12
The same tests on January 13th, 2005 (1 day after eating bread):
Tissue Transglutaminase IgA: 7
Tissue Transglutaminase IgG: 6
Igs (normal from blood, non-gliading dependant)
IgA: 333
IgD: 2
D-Xylose Absorption Complete Test: 1205 (after 1 hour sample), 25 (after 2 hours)
you said-------------------------
First off, I think it's crazy to call today's
Science primitive. Long, long ago, it was the case that the "expert" was often wrong, but back then, everyone was often on even ground--that science was primitive. There were no high-tech labs and machines, no medical school, limited knowledge of the human body and lack of interest to learn more, anyway. I mean, in the Middle Ages, bleeding was thought to be the solution to all health problems.
Your statement is just emotional and inaccurate, I would rather use the word “relative” instead of “crazy”. You are one more of many that think that we live in a society with highly advanced science because we have microwave ovens, modern cars, DVDs, flat screen TVs, rockets, etc. The other part of the truth is that our primitive science has not been able to understand the most basic and fundamental things of the nature. There are thousands things extremely simple and stupid that the science cannot explain, normally they are the kind of questions that the child ask you and leave you paraplegic . This is why I said our science is primitive, because science understands too much about artificial stuff but few things about the essence of the nature including our body. It is a paradox why our modern science cannot explain for example:
-why the plant leaves are green? (we know about the chlorophyll processes but we cannot explain why the mother nature chose the green color on plant leaves), same thing with the brown color of the bark tree.
- why a magnet produces magnetism?, our physics tell us too many things about electromagnetism but we cannot explain why a magnet produces magnetism.
- How can we develop more efficient energy sources (at least more than 50% of efficiency)
-What forces electrons, protons and other rare particles to organize and to form basic and complex things?
- how fundamental particles such as electrons and quarks are produced?
- What makes our body with our billions of cells, neurons, etc. behave as it does?