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Re: Can Acupuncture unleash unknown pain?
lifes2fast Views: 1,926
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 515,306

Re: Can Acupuncture unleash unknown pain?

I have a fantastic traditional Chinese doctor here in Cambridge Ontario. She TOTALLY cured me of severe neck pain, headaches and nerve damage down my left arm. It is GONE! After 12 years of chiropractic with 3 different chiropractors--the first two who helped somewhat, the last one who hurt me. You should NOT be in pain after each treatment, although sometimes it is one step forward, two steps back. But the pain should diminish, not spread. In my experience anyway. BTW my DH has been seeing her for 2 weeks for severe low back pain/spasms. He HATES needles, but knows how much she helped me and is willing to be an active participant in his recovery. (plus we move in 3 weeks and he needs his back!). He's a reluctant convert to ancient Chinese wisdom..

If you would like a referral to a good acupuncturist in Toronto, please don't hesitate to contact my acupuncturist in Cambridge. She has referred for friends of mine in TO, just don't recall who. Here is a link to my doc, she'll set you up!

lifesto fast



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