Can anybody recomend fascia stretches?
I posted this on another forum and got great help for the mental or psychological part, I ahve a question now about the physical side of it.
I'll try to be as brief as possible. I am a 37 male, story of child psychological abuse, and lived in terror. I now have anxiety and permanent muscle tension in my torax, (chest) feel a constriction in esophagus and feel strange tingling, sensations in my torax, legs, neck muscles, I'd describe them as 'acidic', like when you suck in a lemon, and have some shortness of breath. 5 doctors I've seen say is only anxiety. I am currently on psychological therapy, but feel that if I improve my physical symptoms, I'll be strong enough to deal with emotions.
I used to have toraci outlet syndrome and relieved myself of that with some stretches, my question is, can anyboy recommend any specific stretches that will help my chest and torax fascia and muscles? I have a strong feeling this is causing my tension.
Thanks a lot to all!