Re: 30 year old. What is it?
You are 100% right,peaceriver! I actually wound up going to a therapist since my last post here. I was immediately put on Paxil, which they denied would make me gain weight. I put on 25
pounds within 1 1/2 months and was even more miserable because I was tired all the time, and fat. I decided to stop the Paxil, and was put on Adderal. I am currently on it, and I do see the difference. The people around me have made comments about how different I am. The funny side effect is that I actually concentrate for so much longer, that I have a tendancy to inadvertently work through my lunches, and after hours! (That wouldn't be too bad if I actually got paid for it, lol). I lost about 10
pounds after being on this for about 2 months. How come it's so much easier to put it on. I haven't changed my diet, though, and that's not too bad for doing nothing. I will absolutely agree with you about the diet change, though. About two years ago, I decided to do the Proactiv diet. It's based on whole and pure foods. No sugar, fat, oil, salt, dairy, or breads. Pure veggies, chicken, natural carbs (yams, rice, ect...), and the like. I IMMEDIATELY lost 9
pounds in one week. The first 3 days were hard, and I'm supposing it was a detox from the all carb/sugar/chocolate/salt diet I was previously on. Overall, I was good for 3 months and lost 35 pounds, I was energetic, I was not hungry. I never craved sweets, in fact I was absolutely repulsed at the smell of them! Why did I stop the good diet? I went to a party and started with some rolls... then dessert... it didn't take long to throw me back into the dark world of food. So, my goal this year is to try to get off the Adderal, as you have, by cleaning up my diet again, and taking Homozon. Homozon is a cure all for me, for some reason, but I avoid taking it because, well, I am lazy. With the Homozon, I slept through the night, had energy, could see the bad stuff leaving my body. Sheesh! Why am I not doing this again?! Well, I'm inspired. Thank you guys!