Information on cleansing etc
1) People should be getting Omega 3,6,9's and from EPA not Fish especially Cod Liver Oil. Fish should not be comsumed for the reason and answer below. People will not clear up all symptoms unless a complete body detox and nutrition protocol is adhered to. I suggest everyone go to JON BARRON's site and utilise his Baseline To Health program. Not everyones symptoms to which they adhere a tag of ADD/AD-HD are caused through lack of omega's and could be from sensitivety to Microwaves or actually damage from Vaccines (some of which can be cleared up).
2) This is exactly correct and we must all learn to drink WATER and not teas, coffees etc. As for Toxins theres plenty EVERYONE is loaded with. If you use a detox foot pad and get it analised you will find such combinations as Mercury, Lead, Aluminium, copper, FLUORIDE, Chlorine, Isopropyl Alcolhol, Benezene, Xylene and many more. Most of these come from foods eaten and chemicals, cosmetics such as deodorants etc. FISH are the biggest culprit for loading people with PCB's, DIOXINS and MERCURY. Dont forget all that Thimersol MERCURY from preserving the dreaded Vaccines. The body is massed with Toxins and anyone who has done proper cleansing wether at home or at a 1 week stay health clinic will tell you the difference in their bodies after it. They will also tell you the amount of crap which left the body. The colon of almost everyone is the worst toxin place in the body with the Candida spewing more and more into the bloodstream as it cant get rid of the waste quick enough though lack of cleansing.
Sugar is lethal regardless of ADHD from it!
Sugar will not help because it creates yeast just like Anti-biotics and we all know what yeast does in the long terms and toxins from its symptoms. It all mounts up in the long term but I do feel the stuff we need to be concerntrating on is
preservatives ,
additives and SWEETNERS why doesn't anyone mention the dyes much anymore? proven many times to cause hyperactivity! Why dont people mention the two biggies
Aspartame & MSG???? Too worried about getting their asses whooped so we talk only about the basics.
What I suggest to people who want to clear heavy metals from the body is to look into
-Ozone -
Oxidises and clear out many chemicals etc
Essiac -
Slippery Elm which can draw 200+ chemicals out
- Kombucha Tea -
Worlds best chelating substance better than EDTA the lot called GLUCURONIC ACID.