Suggestions of one female...
A female usually has little opportunity to choose, in advance, if only for reasons of politeness. Instead, she must decide Yes or No based only on intuition formed on the basis of the breadth of her experiences to date (plus some influence from the overall characteristics of males in her youth). I think this is a very iffy proposition, at best.
Too, some of the influences on a female's preferences must be attributed to inborn instincts; and to taboo against discussion; as well as to sub-conscious fears formed in sympathy with siblings and others in early childhood...or to fears and confusion formed while growing.
Even the conclusions one comes to in their senior years may influence one's opinion.
Maybe this subject can't be analyzed in 'studies' with any hope of definite conclusions.
Maybe the only conclusions worth 'measuring' are individual, or between two adult partners.
In the meantime, isn't it best to know all the options, uncolored by bias, for one's present position? Isn't it best to love and support those who share their feelings with us, and to respect the feelings of those who don't care to share right now?
And, isn't there enough evidence of the possibility of regret, to let little ones grow up to make their own choices?
For myself, even reading in this forum was a major step. I was reluctant even to look. When I did, I suddenly understood the influence circumcision has had on my life, even though I didn't experience the operation personally.
That influence has been considerable, believe me. I wish with all my heart that no one had ever thought of it, or of any other interference with a healthy human body.
At the same time, I support every adult who searches for a good and wholesome way to fulfill their potential, starting from where they find themselves.
Every concept of the hereafter I've ever heard described, sees the departed as whole. Who knows how complete we can be in the present?