Googling, again.
I still can't find much, except some really weird stuff. Like accusations against races, and retorts. Leaves me shaking my head.
Circumcision, or any interference with a healthy body, is NOT open to 'official' sanction of any kind. This is a personal matter, one mature and informed person at a time.
Even then, a person who wants to mutilate themselves may attract organizations and individuals who want to 'save' them.
A surgeon who told me I MUST have a nearly complete hysterectomy, also cut out my perfectly healthy appendix, as a 'bonus'. This so I "wouldn't have trouble in the future!"
How can such idiocy become the 'rule'? What about "First, do no harm"???
No, we each have to take responsibility, I think. No one will do anything to me, my child, or to anyone in my care, without PROVING the absolute necessity of the action.
The biased opinions of 'experts' can no longer be relied upon. We must make our own decisions, one person at a time; and have full access to all factual information.
I think it would be a dandy idea that each of us must ask information from a dozen independent senior citizens who have done it, before we're allowed to have these surgeries.
And that parents and guardians are responsible for protecting all children from any unnecessary operation before age 21. And take a long skeptical look at operations deemed 'necessary'.
To borrow a motto, "It shouldn't have to hurt, to be a child."