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vegan raw foodist here

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joanne Views: 1,793
Published: 21 y
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vegan raw foodist here

Hi Didi

I used my first mc to transition into eating raw food, and I've done very well. I did my first mc in August for 15 days, during which I lost 25 lbs. I've kept that 25 lbs off and have lost 25 more as of today, for a grand total of...cha-ching...50 lbs, for those of you who can't add...hehe. I feel SO good ALL of the time. My energy is through the roof, and there are all kinds of other benefits. I see lots of proof that raw is good for me on the outside, so I can only imagine the good things that are going on on the inside. I get more excited about it every day. The ways I see it working for me, besides the fabulous weight loss - my skin is amazing, all of the callouses and scaly skin on my feet are gone, my hair, which was about 10% grey, is now back to its natural color, my breasts are the firmest they've ever been (the tissue inside feels really hard for the first time ever), the dark circles under my eyes are almost gone (I think that may have more to do with my kidney cleanse tea than raw but I include it here anyway), I can exercise so much harder and longer than before without tiring, and my recovery time is about half what it used to be, I don't have smelly feet any more (heh), my hair has such a lustre and sheen, and my teeth are whiter, and my eyes are brighter. I also look a heck of a lot younger than my age. This is just stuff I've noticed since August, mind you. I'm eating only organic fruits and veggies, as much as I want, and nuts and occasionally, something made with seeds, like dehydrated flax seed crackers, or a sunflower seed pate...something like that.

I don't recommend using raw food as a temporary fix - it's a way of living. If you use it to lose weight only, without the mental committment, I don't think you're going to enjoy it at all, or embrace the lifestyle, you might end up thinking of it as a drudgery, and as something to be endured. But I urge you to try it for yourself, didi, and see how you feel after that month is over. You may like it so much, and like how you feel on it so much, that you decide to make a permanent change.

I came to be raw after realizing that I was overweight, unhealthy, and feeling sluggish all of the time. I examined what I was doing wrong, which was everything. Once I realized that the food that I was eating was making me the way I was, I realized that the food that I wasn'nt eating (fruits and veggies) was the food that was going to turn me around.

Good luck on the master cleanse, and your liver flush, too. I've done 9 of them now, and I think they're invaluable and necessary. If you do decide to transition from the mc to a liver flush, I'd recommend 10 days of mc, then 2 days of apple juice/apple cider and fresh orange juice, and then on the eve of that 2nd day, your liver flush. The malic acid in the apple juice helps softens the stones, and the fresh OJ has enzymes and vitamins you need to help sustain you. During those 2 days you can also continue to drink the lemonade to stave off hunger if you like. The OJ also helps your digestive system get ready for the return to eating. You could even do 8 days of mc and then 2 days of apple/orange/lemonade, for a total of 10 altoghether.

I've never done this before so I'm not sure if I'm doing it right, but I checked off the "you can email me" option here in the 'submit post' section, so if you have any questions about what I did specifically, you can either ask here, or you can email me. Good luck!


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