My daughter who is 33 had a very freightening dream. She drempt that the angel of death came to her and told her it was her time to go. She kept telling him no she would not go and he kept telling her she had to go it was her time. A larger angel of death appeared that she could feel was much more powerful. He told her he had come for her it was her time to go. She was screaming at him that she would not go. She was hysterical by this time and began begging him not to take her. She pleaded and said she would make a deal.
She does not remember any more of this dream. She is a single parent of a young daughter. She does not have any serious physical health issues that we know of. She said both angels were dressed in long black hooded robes and she could not see there faces. This dream occurred a few weeks ago and she was so scared by it that she was afraid to even tell me about it until now. Any help with understand this dream would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.