Thanks Tracey- I think I am slowly uncovering and understanding this new phase I am entering.
I recently realized that in my relationships (with friends and potential partners) intelligence and looks and career and fashion sense- things I used to think were important! - mean nothing. What really matters to me is how someone treats people- especially me. I used to think that if someone was loving and affectionate I should RUN as that meant "needy"....I think the jewels being a necklace for displaying over the heart is significant- that my heart is being exposed on this new level.
Anyway, would love your feedback if/when you have time about relationships in general or THAT ONE in particular- mostly that one just felt so significant and strong AND the breakup coincided with all of these new thoughts about connecting to people. Sometimes I feel like there will never be another like that for me-which may not be a bad thing. Maybe I am just clinging to the past out of fear of these changes. Hmmm...