Re: Jewels in my vagina!
Yes, I thought it was positive too- and similiar to the brain surgery dream in that I noticed the pain of the process.
I was thinking sexuality, but I think the idea of it all coming from 'my insides' is a better fit. Or probably both symbols are apt.
I don't remember reading your Mom post, but I did go to bed really thinking about my relationship issues (and also having posted my question to you on the astro forum), so your analysis of 'your inner self discovery is bringing you amazing riches and value...and is good for your Heart, Love, Relationships too.' seems right on track for me.
I feel like all my current self-work is leading me towards being able to open my heart and experience giving and receiving love in an entirely new and fantastic way that is really free of attachment for the first time in my life.
I haven't been able to remember my dreams for years, and suddenly they are vivid and full of so much potency!
Thanks (again!) for your insights!