Re: brain surgery
Oh you ARE an Air guys and your Intellects! hehheh
Wild just seems to mean soooo much... chart! (just looked you up) Pretty unusual layout...I'll get back to you seeing as I've got to pop out right now.
It looks like transiting Pluto (at 21 degrees Sagittarius) is trining your Saturn in the 12th house (this is good, positive transformation) while at the same time sextiling (good, creative 'opportunity' - you're not being FORCED to do anything, but it's an opportunity...kinda matches your dream) the midpoint of your Mercury and Sun!! See what I mean? Your midpoint is around 21/22degrees Libra...and your Saturn is at 21degrees Aries and Pluto is at 20degrees you've got major transformation happening! (mercury=head/brain/communication - especially in the air sign of Libra)
AND at the same time transiting Saturn at 17degrees is squaring (challenging) your Mercury! So...Mercury/brain stuff is definitely highlighted right now. You've got a lot of angles happening here....deep transformation as well as new challenging ideas....throwing out old ideas and concepts and conceptualizations that no longer serve you. (getting brain surgery is pretty apt!)
okay...gotta run!
love T