(no need to switch to the Astro forum..nah...)
So...that is very interesting that your ideas are transforming! That you are a scientist makes perfect sense...and I can see that your Mind is going through a verrry profound change right now - from all angles (Pluto AND Saturn...woah). Pluto is pretty amazing eh? Pluto trining Mercury feels sooooo powerful and intense....deeeply and profoundly tranforming how you think, what you think about, how you say it...everything. While Saturn squaring Mercury has one run into conversations with others where you butt heads...where differences in conceptualization and ideas just seem to come at you from all angles...sometimes it feels like your brain isn't even working properly anymore! It's an odd one...but you've got Pluto involved too so that's a plus. Your brain is definitely getting surgery!! Totally.
What's interesting is that a few years ago Pluto exactly trined your you must have had some transformative thoughts and new ideas coming into your head back then, that Pluto is trining the mid-point between your Mercury and your Sun...the mind-transformation is starting to impinge upon your actual Self! I find it pretty interesting that your chose (if you believe that you chose to be you and desired certain things to happen at certain times in your life) to have Pluto trine your Mercury though it's important for you to transform your MIND (all that scientific thought stuff) before you actually transform your Self. I don't know...just seems significant to me.
So...for the next several years Pluto will be moving closer to an exact trine to your Sun...but for now you are integrating your New Mind with your Self....bringing the two together.
When I plug your birthday in with the time you gave me I get you at 29degrees Aries on - what degree do you have it at?
29degree planets are significant because it means that you know Aries reeeally well...and in this lifetime you'll be moving into Taurus energy...which is the Body, Beauty....learning how to hold the space of your Self. (Aries initiates and is like a blast of pure youthful, individual, independent Energy...Taurus contains that energy...)
So...I just checked out Jupiter's movement and your chart and holy moly you have a lot of planets in the 6th house which is the Health house! Did you know that? With so many planets in the health and service house the message is that through learning about health you will be able to serve and help others in some way. Only you will do it in the most expansive and original way. You have the power to Heal yourself and others (pluto in the 6th) - so it's lookin' good.
I am really getting the feeling from your chart that your really good, rational mind was meant to transform in this lifetime so that you could leap from what is comfortable for you (real world rational stuff) TO where your soul truly wants to go in this lifetime...towards the unknown, belief-oriented, mystical, spiritual 'other-worldliness'...the 12th house. Oooh yes, it's quite clear that you have a lot of tools to bring your mastery of this unknown 'other' world into the real world for service and healing of yourself and others... a child (or even now) were you ever afraid of the dark (I mean reeeally afraid)....and/or did you have terrible nightmares? Maybe not - but just checking.
You see your 12th house planets? Chiron (wound which made you somewhat afraid of the dark 'unknown' aspect of yourself and the world...mystical/spiritual) and your North Node (where you need to go in this lifetime...towards BELIEF...not knowing something empirically only), your Saturn (life lesson - unfinished business from a past life) and your Part of Fortune - the spot in your chart where, if you go there you will feel the most fulfilled! It's all sooooo clear!
Hey...take a look at the link below....look up 12th house and Aries...and synthesize the two...for some clarification on your Part of Fortune.
Oh Jupiter will be soon (in a month?) sitting on your Mars then your Pluto (HEALING!!!) and then alllll your planets in your 6th house of Health! This is sooooooo good! I would not be at all surprised if your health improved completely during this transit. Jupiter is like a benevolent guide bringing gooood, positive feelings and energy to you. Be aware of your dreams during this next year and a bit...because Jupiter transits like this usually bring amazing guidance and love from the 'other' world through your dreams and also through your every-day real world'll probably meet someone who acts as a benevolent guide to you...and this will help you grow immensely. Jupiter is all about Growth and expansion...and also the Inner Teacher and Guide I suspect that you will learn much during the next year about health and healing yourself and this will help you to teach and possibly heal/serve/help others too...August should be amazing...when Jupiter sits on your Pluto (regeneration!)...I would think that would start the cycle of intense healing.
okay...better go now!
Love Tracey
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