Re: Janaki
Sooo interesting!
All the while I've been reading Initiation I keep thinking: Jupiterian and Saturnian and/or Sagittarius and Capricorn vibes. Specifically I felt Saturn in the 9th house (which is Jupiter/Sagittarius' house)....and guess what? I looked up Elisabeth Haich and her Saturn is in Sagittarius! Essentially the same vibration as all the above! I just love when that happens. (I'm a Sagittarius so no wonder I feel her Saturnian influence - her Saturn sits on my Sun!)
She has a Pisces Mercury which is how she taps into all these 'other worlds' (and my Mercury conjunct Neptune is essentially a Pisces Mercury too - as Pisces and Neptune have a similar vibration - they rules each other)
I could also feel her Aries-ness soooooo clearly. Funny that one of the keywords for Aries is: Initiator! She has energy and is impatient to get what she wants...
I see, too, that both you and I have planets in the 9th house (Jupiter/philosophy/religious-spiritual house) that differ from her more strict Jupiter/Moral/Philosophy (even though your Capricorn moon would love all the discipline and mastery/limitation etc stuff)....but yeah, your Philosophy definitely involves Others and Relationships - you need your relationships to be harmonious and to be able to talk expansively and philosophically about religious/spiritual subjects. hmmmm... (you have Jupiter/Mercury in Libra in the 9th house)
love T