Amazing dream - I know that dreamy Love feeling well - you don't want to wake up it is sooooo delicious - like your whole being is glowing with Oneness or something....mmmmmm.
Funny, a couple of days before your Love dream-feeling my friend Aleta had one of her most amazing love-feeling dreams (it's gotta be this Venus Transit eh? I mean really!) - where she was lying on a couch and her 'lover' came over and she casually made room for him on the couch but then he looked at her and she was jolted into this reality..she REMEBERED what it was to feel this Love! And they just gazed and gazed and gazed and he wrapped his arms all around her and they melted into each other. Not sexual - just pure love! mm mmmm! I've had those ones too.
Yours sounds more involved, though! ah!
I wonder if the first dream is Plutonic and the second one Venusian (Pluto opposing Venus=Transformation of Love/Values)
So...what is this arm thing?? Whenever I think of arms I think of their usefullness and also the ability to hold and express love.
So...eliminating an animals arm (sounds bizarre eh?? ha!) might mean....(what kind of arm? small furry animal? reptilian? domestic? just curious)...
Oh man - I think I might be getting it.
Pit (I had a dream where I eliminated 2 mango-like pits!) could very well be symbolic of your ovaries - seed holders...and coupled with the small arm...your ability and usefullness as a giver of life...! And to wrap your arms around a child....? (small animal = instincts)
Is this coming up with you at all? Having children? Being the female/mother in that way...?
Rambling - just some ideas!
love Tracey