Because of something that tracey pointed out. I think I was able to change the vibration of energy that I put out regarding females and business just by realizing "the black and white thinking" that I often have.
Anyway because of that I spoke to a female today who does not fit into my black and white thinking. Turns out she lives in a subdivision of large new construction homes in the immediate area of my childhood home. Our families have distinct connections we just uncovered and I am related thru my business to her new construction home as I am the one who inspected it 5 years ago like in my dream. I cannot say how but her name is in a humorous way symbolically but very clearly connected with Strom thurmonds daughter and she has big almond shaped eyes.
I met her at the local health food store and the herbalist at the store recommended me for nutrition consultation which I gave to this woman She specifically asked me about nutritive value of potatoes and also asked if blueberries were a good low
Sugar fruit for her to eat with hypoglycemia. She explained that she had gained weight recently due to illness and several other factors and thanked me for not judging her weight.
When I saw her feet dangling in the chair and noticed that they were the same black shoes with white curved lines from my dream, I almost fell outta my chair.
She encouraged me to start a new business I have on hold and found out she is going into a similar field we talked about vegetarian restaraunts and she asked if I would like to go to dinner at a particular restaraunt. I declined although I wanted too because there were other "observers" around that would have drawn me into a "competition" and I was not wanting to compete in that venue but I told her I would definitely check up one her and kick her ass a little to motivate her to pass a clinical certification she was having trouble passing. Do you know this girl asked "Do you mind to come with me to view the cadavers" as she had problems thinking clearly with thie cadavers and brain neurology parts.
I'm leaving some other stuff out but unbelievable twilight zone stuff with much from my last couple dreams just when I was getting discouraged thinking my dreams were an elaborate production to get me to see simple things about myself. It showed me sumthin a little deeper about myself too.