Had a
Liver Flush last night no dreams until I awoke for first
Epsom Salt drink of morning and went back to sleep a series of vignette dreams occurred.
I am in my childhhod neighborhood where my mom still lives. I take a walk down the block. The corner house has different additions and stories than it should. I am so attracted to the new additions that I lay on the front porch and crawl in the front door into living room. I realize the house is not vacant but someone new lives there but I am like jelly and cannot remove myself before some kids spot me. I definitely feel like I belong in this house but cannot function physically.
I then am in a dream version of my current home which is slightly different in functionality also. A man who was a business associate that I recently ran into in real life stops by. Believe it or not his last name is Kee. Kee asks me why I have not taken advantage of his potential business. He tells me a woman associate I know and respect works with him in his new office and asks me why I have two kinds of potatoes in my kitchen. I tell him each kind of potato has differring nutritive factors and I like to make sure I get the best of what each has to offer.
I arrive home from a long journey to my parents house they reluctantly take me in. They are stand-offish I am eating blueberries and dripping blue residue all over the place. I also detect a hint of muskiness in air and realize it must be me. "Ah" i figure "this is why they are stand-offish" My brother has left hand drawn cartoons all over the floor. He has made them on paper bags and cardboard yet they have microchips in them and the cartoons somehow move and talk.
I appear in court among a motley crew of individuals. There is a woman getting divorced who has no husband, a group of chinese children each a twin who stand in a triangle formation however I disbelieve they are all twins because I count 35 of them. My sister is representing some of these clients in particular a smiling older lady who builds houses. The lady who is wanting a divorce asks me if I will represent her husband "Tony" in front of the judge so that she has no hitches. I feel pressure she pulls me outside. The smiling older woman who builds houses rescues me by pulling me back in "this is not your husband"
I am watching new construction homes being built in the sky over the location they will be dropped to. They are manufactured high in sky and dropped in between other houses when complete. Also manufactured in sky are large highly visible 3-D cigarette adds that float around the neighborhood. I walk around the site they begin to lower the home into its permanent place and I step in the back door and walk around. I meet the smiling old lady from court. She says "I have been waiting for you would you like to come with me?" I feel she must have me confused with someone else. To be sure I identify myself. I tell her that homes here sure are constructed differently from where I am from. She asks me if I would come with her. We break away from a bunch of important clients, buyers and construction foremen and architects. As we walk to her car she asks me if I mind seeing cadavers. I say "no of course not". Dream just ends.