Re: ***WARNING***
There is LOTS of truth to what you read in this thread. I've been studying nutrition for 25 years and have learned a few things along the way. For instance, MOST (99%) of all nutritional supplements can cause more problems than they can fix. The best supplements are those of a "Whole-Food" nature, i.e., those made by a company called Standard Process. They have been around for 70 years!
Also, most people do not realize that the VAST MAJORITY of "Vitamin C" that is available as a supplement is only ascorbic acid which is only part of the real Vitamin C complex as found in nature. Never will one find an ascorbic acid tree!
In fact, ascorbic acid is doses as low as 500 mg./day cause mutations with DNA! Also, the body (in an attempt to duplicate real vitamin C as found in nature) will pull other nutrients from the tissues of the body to combine with the ascorbic acid and in doing so can damage the tissues. For instance, the body will pull copper out of the tissues (arteries) which weaken them and make one MORE likely to have a stroke. Furthermore, it has been found that cancer cells thrive on 2 things: #1 glucose and #2 ascorbic acid!
The same principle holds true for Vitamin E. However, it that case "tocopherols" are touted as being Vitamin E. In fact, they are only part of the real vitamin E complex as found in nature. Tocopherols will pull selenium out of the tissues predisposing one to cancer.
Calling ascorbic acid vitamin C or tocopherols vitamin E is like calling an egg shell an egg.
Study it for yourself. Search the web for the following:
Dr. Royal Lee
Dr. Royal Rife
Standard Process
Dr. Weston Price
Please note that I am not attempting to diagnose or treat any symptoms or disease, but rather share my thoughts on real nutrition and encourage you to study these things for yourself. After reading all the posts in this thread I thought this information wuld be helpful as well.