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Crazy GAP days, Edgar Cayce, New Mayan Calendar Discovery!

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Tracey Views: 5,160
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Crazy GAP days, Edgar Cayce, New Mayan Calendar Discovery!


Thanks for this great post - I've been thinking about it all week in bits and pieces.

So...have you started your job yet? That is a maaaasssive change. What's it like? How's it going? How're you feeling about it? So, did you get this job during that run of 10 GAP days then?

You know what is soooo funny - well, I'd remember you'd been saying something about the GAP days before they happened (didn't you?) and then nearing the end you mentioned them again - and because I've been in such a chaotic-black-swirl I just didn't even take that idea in....until, like Thursday or something. I swear, a huge shift has happened for me (the transformation ain't over yet, I know that, but at least it's shifted out of the zombie- Depression I was in...may go back there and this time I hope I don't fight it!)...but, anyway, those GAP days were totally intense! The more I talk to my friend about the last 10 days (nov 10th to 19th) the more I realize how huge they were! And, look, you got a new job during that period? I know a few people (4) couples that almost broke up during that period, another person bought a home, another quit a band that she'd been in for years and that was finally getting off the ground...what else? I don't know, but the more I talked to people the more we all realized that holy @#$#% there was some intensely Blue Stormy energy around that period. That makes me wonder, too, if during Blue Storm years the GAP days have a BS (haha) energy? Perhaps last year the GAP days has a White Wizardy energy? We'll have to look out for that.

Anyway...what a CRAZY ride!

Oh, and I found out that I probably get to go to Mexico for two months in the new year....just to chill, swim, write, get creative and connection-y energy happening again (while I work, too) that's good. I really need the solitude...

So, let me know how the work is going...

Hey, I'll look into There are no Accidents - I love jungian psychology....

So, I was also thinking that maybe you should read 'Edgar Cayce - An American Prophet' ? (before SETH) I mean, this book is amazing (by kirkpatrick) - Edgar has documented thousands of his long-distance readings/channelings (mostly on health, but he also channels the astrology of these people he's never met too) - it's really amazing - and it's totally inspiring, I thought. Edgar is a Pisces with 4 (or 5? can't remember) planets in Pisces - he's totally connected to that big Oneness - and the library of All That Is basically...very cool. It's a great Biography...I think you'll like it!

Hey, during the GAP days I also discovered something pretty damn cool I think - maybe I should run it by you and see how it resonates with you?

Okay, you know how there are two different mayan calendars? We all use the DreamSpell calendar which was 'invented/discovered' in a rather right-brain Neptunian way. There is another calendar - the 'true' calendar those left-brain dudes say, that is the correct mayan calendar.

It's so funny because in Astrological circles there are two different ways of seeing the planetary placements too! It's so @#$# don't ya think? (or just human I guess) - even within open-minded or Individuated subjects/people there's division! Kinda drives me crazy.

Anyway - I'm open to both - I think it all depends on how you get to whatever form you use, how it resonates with you etc etc. May sound wishy washy - but I think this world is created...I don't think it just is ONE way...

Anyway (again!) - so I was thinking about these two Mayan calendars...when it struck me that I know that palmists read the hands differently: The Left hand (ruled by right brain action) is your Destiny and your Potential (left, moon, venus, female, subconscious) and the Right hand (ruled by left brain action) is how you GET to your Destiny. What you DO in the real world, in that Martian doing way.

So, I thought: hey, the DreamSpell calendar is representative of our LEFT hands (perhaps it's reversed in men, though!? Maybe you can tell me what you feel) - and the Correct Scientific Calendar is representative of ouru RIGHT hands.

So....for me: My Destiny and Potential is White Crystal Mirror - but I fulfill that Destiny by taking action towards Blue Overtone Storm (haha! I got goosebumps when I found out that that was my 'other' signature! About a month ago I had pulled only two mayan cards and, was Blue Storm and the other was Center/5/Overtone!!! Jesus eh? )

So...for you: Your Destiny and Potential is in becoming White Resonant World-Bridger - and you fulfill your Destiny by taking action through Blue Self-Existing Monkey!

Do you know much about Blue Monkey?

Well - I'll just tell you that when me and my friends mulled over this we were blooooown away. It just so happened (of course) that we were all totally acting out our 'true/action/doing' selves for the past GAP days! The synchronicities were totally mind blowing, Headcase! So, I wonder if you will resonate with this too?

Like - with Blue Monkey - did you have a revelation about Play, Fun, Creativity lately? Not to be so serious? That in order to become your White Resonant World-Bridgers self you must let your self play and have fun and not be so serious - and make and create things, too? hmm....but also create the form and the foundation (4) of play and non-seriousness within you too....

hmmm! Who knows eh? I'll keep experimenting with others and see if it makes sense...why not, I say!!

Okay Headcase - glad you're around....

love Tracey

Long Count Mayan Calendar



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