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Re: I can't explain 2
Ayehasherayeh Views: 1,192
Published: 21 y
This is a reply to # 498,345

Re: I can't explain 2

Sentient indeed but I hesitate to personify the plant. HER refers to a pure essence energy that is motherly and supportive.... in fact the ultimate in pure love. I have never judged whether she is a spirit of the plant or a god. Today I came close to realizing that she is someone I am intimately connected to. She sung a song that only I could know it was like realizing your name being called. And I felt as one might feel if they realized they were participating in the dreams of someone who loved them.

I am still with HER with a bit less than full awareness but I have felt HER the past several days leading up to this and I know I am still part of her even if I should lose the awareness.



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