thanks and i wll check into that ! i do ahve definite surtvival issues/ even tho no fear of death..
i do ahve a fear od people.. that i nee dto over come.
but i also had an extrmme set of circumstsnces tha t broguth me to that state of mind.
i have made great progreess in that area at leas ti answeer teh door now ... or don't hid e un der a blanket if my kid s do 8)
and i do get out in public about once a month.. i will contiue movign forward in this area..c aus ei know itis not healthy fo rme .. and i do not intend to let what soemoen else did to me.. to be an ongoign victimization...
so even tho thisis where ia m at now/doe snot at all mean i inend to remain and jstu stagante in it 8)
so i relaly appreciat e the tip
Ami Joi Benton