Take a look at this website. The man is a good friend of mine, he will be moving here to South Carolina (from Tampa). The website desribes SET, a technique that is very profound and that goes to the root of the structural imbalance. Chiropractic adjustments are not enough for this sort of a thing. You will understand why when you read this. I hope there is practictioner of SET near you. You may want to contact Greg, he is very approachable and gifted.
Yes, the whole body and mind can be misaligned and confused when your structure is out of balance like this.
You may also want to check out Sacred Santemony on my web site. It can deal with causes that have nothing to do with this life. I get that in several lives you were either force-starved or had not enough to eat. The fear of not getting enough food still lingers in you. If you resonate with this method, you may contact me for a session.