Short leg and binge eating disorder
1. My right leg is a little more than 2 inches shorter than my left. This is due to a twist in my hips. My right collar bone also protrudes greatly and my right shoulder is lower than my left. I have been seeing a chiropractor for the past few years without much improvement even though I think she is very good. Based on my x-rays and the amount of deterioration in my neck area, she told me this was probably a result of going through the birthing process. When I was little, I was pigeon- toed, so my parents made me wear my shoes on the opposite feet because they thought that might help straighten them out. My chiropractor calls this a functional short leg. I did not start seeing a chiro until I was 23. I am wondering if you know what could cause this and if there is any chance of my ever having a straight spine. I have been going to the chiro once a week for the past 3 years, I wear foot orthotics and sleep on a special pillow. I do exercises faithfully that are meant to balance my musculature, but nothing ever changes. I believe these subluxations in my spine are the cause for the many manifestations of imbalance in my body. I am a mess. I have no coordination or sense of balance whatsoever, I'm ADD, I have extreme depression, I have a rising temperature of 95.6-96.1 degrees, my pupils constantly pulsate, I have a 24 day menstural cycle, I always feel like I can't breath or breath deeply, and worst of all
2. I have severe binge eating disorder. These binges definatley have a physical origin. I am not an emotional eater. Andreas, I have your wonderful books and I follow the principles in Timeless Secrets of Health and Rejuvenation religiously. I go to bed at the right times, I take ionic minerals, sip hot ionized water, I have done 2 kidney cleanses and 15 liver flushes in the past 7 1/2 months. I can't get professional colonics where I live, but I always take colosan and do at least 2 consecutive enemas for 2-3 days in a row following a flush. I follow a flawless vegan diet of organic fruits vegetables and grains. Even when I binge, I binge on things like dates, rice, oatmeal, brussles sprouts, whatever is in the house. I haven't eaten processed foods in years, but I have had binge eating disorder for most of my life. I am about 50 lbs overweight and gaining and the only reason I am not 500lbs overweight is because I exercise and binge on healthy food! I am always cold, tired and hungry, no matter how much I eat. The only thing is, I am a sama-dosha, so I have not been following a particular one. I am actually very small-boned and prone to constipation like a vata, I have acne and red marks like a pitta, and I am very lethargic and overweight like a kapha. I feel like I do everything right. I do everything and nothing changes. I have read Lifting the Veil of Duality and I can recognize that this can be a blessing in disguise, as it has brought me to curezone and you, but after my whole life dealing with this, I feel like I'm over it and I just want to be healthy, and symmetrical. I am like stuck at the bottom of Maslow's Hierchy of needs obsessing about food and feeling constantly like I'm starving, that I just can't focuse on anything else in life. I am wondering if this is related to my twisted spine, like maybe the satiety signals just aren't getting to my brain or something. I do not take any medications. Please Andreas, you know more about the body and soul than anyone it seems. I just don't want to think I set myself up to spend the rest of my life like this, but nothing even slightly improves no matter what I do, so I am feeling very hopeless and physically, mentally and emotionally exhausted, but I feel like all these things might resolve themselves if I could just get my spine to stay in proper alignment free of any subluxations, I just don't know if it's too late for that to happen since I didn't start seeing the chiropractor until I was 23 and it's kind of a vicious cycle because bingeing definately makes my spine worse too.
Sorry this is so long, Thank you so much for taking the time to help us all out!