I used to have bad tinnitus since 2001. It started in my right ear then I got it in both ears and it progressively got worse. I also became sensitive to loud sounds. It was very difficult and there were days I couldn't even sleep. What helped me sleep and still does is listening to white noise. I also tried tinnitus mskers in both ears and reduced my stress levels. This helped me cope with the multiple sounds I heard in my head.
My biggest improvements came after I started doing colon cleansing and liver cleansing. After I did my fourth liver cleanse there was a dramtic improvement in the tinnitus sound level. Now I only hear it very low in my right ear- only if I am in room that is completely quiet. I am not sure if it is in Andreas Liver cleanse book but I have read that liver cleansing can clear up tinnitus for some people. I hope it helps you in some way. If you alredydo liver cleansing then continue it may help your tinnitus.