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Re: question for you!
alisaun Views: 2,207
Published: 21 y
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Re: question for you!

I so totally know what you mean! How are we supposed to know what all those feelings mean or images or stuff in our heads?

Here's one thing that's really simple that helps me a lot:

Think of something that your body would say yes to. Ask yourself a series of quesitons that you know the answer is "yes" to. I try to go for really obvious ones like "am I female?" (yes) Do I have two hands and two feet? Is my birthday June 23? And then try to ask yourself things that have a more emotional, visceral respose but always ask about things that you feel strongly about. Do I love dancing? Do I love my parents?

Then do the same thing with things that are a "no" answer.

Notice how your body responds to these things. Try to learn the difference between when your body says no and when your body says yes. It takes practice, but it's easy when you pick things you already know the answer to.

Then, try it with something that you *don't* know the answer to. Well, you do know the answer it's just not as conscious as the other things that you "know".

Don't dismiss your feelings. The ecinacea is a good example. It seems a no-brainer for me being sick with a viral infection. I was baffled that my body said no but when I really really listened and trusted, my body said that it eould like to use it's OWN tools to fight this infection as it would make me stronger.

Another recent example is that I thought maybe I needed to do a kidney cleanse so I went to the store and held a bottle of uva ursi. Got a "no". Now I realize that it's because my body is dealing with the mono and wants to wait for the kidney stuff until it is stronger.

Anyway, hope that helps. Some people use a pendulum but that doesn't work for me as pendulums seem to go wonky when I hold them.





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