Re: Yerba Santa
Hi Janaki,
Thanks so much for your words of encouragement!
The throat chakra has been odd, because I have spent a year trying to figure out what is going on with it. I've meditated, gone to healers, had energetic healing done, all to no avail. My life is really stable and my relationships are good and I speak my mind. At first, I thought it was something I just wasn't facing, but I am very spiritually open and have thought and thought but can't come up with anything.
An intersting thing happened this weekend though. I was with my friend and my guides told me to work with her on healing. So we sat together for a bit and then she had this word pop into her head: Yerba. We didn't knwo what it meant so we looked it up on the internet.
It turns out that Yerba Santa is a healing herb used by native americans and it not only grows near me, it is in season! It is good for boosting the immune system and liver function and blood cleaning among other uses.
So we set out to a mountain and we found it right away and asked permission (from the plant spirit if not the State Park people - heh) and dug one up and brought it back.
The leaves are so intersting and you can chew them (native americans used them for mouthwash too - they taste really good and fresh!) and it's an amazing appetitie stimulant too. I had never heard of it before so anyway I just thought I'd share that expereince.
As soon as I get my energy up enough, I will go to the store and get some Pau'd'Arco like Andreas Suggested.
But I would be interested to know what homeopathic remedies you used too. Having mono is sooooo exhausting!