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Re: colloidal silver
Steve555 Views: 2,798
Published: 21 y
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Re: colloidal silver

Go to the liver cleanse forum and look at the top of the page there is recipe for Liver Cleansing which is fairly simple and cheap. It involves Epsom Salts , lemons/grapefruit, and olive oil. These stimulate the gallbladder and liver to empty out toxic contents. One of the challenges most folks with hep c face is a liver that is not functioning well. Doing a series of Liver Cleanses helps tremendously. I apologize for not mentioning it before. A Colon Cleanse would be first on the list. The colon is the sewer pipe of the body and many toxins are reabsorbed through the colon. Clean it out and get on a diet of good fruits and vegeatables, get off of all processed foods loaded with salt, sugar,hyrdogenated fats, white flour, and you will begin feeling better. As I've said before Colloidal Silver helps kill the virus but how did the virus get there to begin with? The answer is a weakened immune system was not able to fight it off. The liver is the blood filter of the body. By cleaning out the liver/gallbladdder you give it a chance to heal and the liver can actually rejuvenate if you give it the opportunity with cleansing and diet. Just drinking fresh carrot juice can be very helpful as well. I am learning these things as I go and again please forgive me for not mentioning them before. Forgot to mention you can get Colon Cleanse recipes from the Colon Cleanse forum as well. There are many different ways to do those.
Hulda Clark is the champion of colon/ Liver Cleanses and she has helped many people get well. My wife and I have used her formulas and they really work. Hope that helps.



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