Re: colloidal silver
...he's right. probably most of the CS failures against HCV are 'cuz not nearly enough was used. 8oz/day is what i started off at and kept up for about 6 mos. then i tried one liter/day for a few months to see if it would really clear the HCV which it didn't.
CS usually won't clear the virus, but can and will keep one symptom free, feeling fine and functional.
also gets rid of toenail fungus, gum disease, skin issues, and prevents herpes attacks, colds, flu, etc etc.
there is no "cure" for HCV, only levels of remission and management. the inf/riba tx gives the best sustained response when it works, but at what cost to the body/mind and at what odds of success???
using a few oz/day of CS along with LDN+berkson protocol & a variety of supps and good foods sure seems to keep me well.
i don't worry about lab #'s i can't afford to get.