Re: colloidal silver
I'm trying to tell you that CS does work. As long as it is the basic ionic 5-20ppm you see at most healthfood stores and not the silver protien stuff that goes as high as 1100ppm you are safe. Adavanced
Colloidal Silver is a good product by the way. C My point again is that you have to take enough of it to knock out a serious infection. 2tsp/day won't get it. 6tbsp/day and upwards is more realistic. You will have die-off if it is working well and it won't be comfortable for a while. If you have nausea, diareah, headaches, chills, etc that is actually a good sign that you are kicking it. You can cut back on the dosage if it gets to be too much.
The reason I am so strong on the cs generators is the expense of buying cs at the store and on the internet is ridiculous in comparison to making your own. If it takes 6 8oz bottles at $20 a pop to get healed ($120), why not just get your own CS gen and have the stuff whenever you need it for you , your family, or your friends? Do you see my point? Pure economics. I couldn't care less who's generator you buy because they all work basically the same way. If it more convenient to buy the cs from the internet, cool. Really, I'm just trying to help folks. I apologize for my defensiveness and pray everyone on this forum gets healed.