Re: Sm. Light green stone only epsom salt mixing w/OO?
Dear Robbie,
Like so many others, you have fallen for a hoax that has gone around for quite some time. We may not know the motivation behind the spreading of such misinformation, but then we don't know why people spread hoaxes about computer viruses, or even real computer viruses. If we were to believe everything unsettling that people say is the truth, our world would be a very sad world. Some people have this need to spread confusion, fear and doubt. They all share a deep inner fear of not being good enough, not being heard. Their actions do not come from love or a desire to help others. They are unfortunate people, with little or no happiness in their hearts.
I suggest you take some Espom salt water and mix it with olive oil and see what happens. You may have to wait for a long, long time. So far, there is no technology that can make such stones from olive oil. To make something harder out of it than olive oil you would need a chemical laboratory, thickening agents and other chemicals and apply tremendous heat, which would incinerate your body in a second.
I came accross the same doubt when I did my own liver cleanse, after having suffered a total of 40 gallbladder attacks over a period of 15 years. However, after my 1st cleanse, I never had an attack again. That was proof enough for me that I was on to something important. My eleventh cleanse produced only very few stones, and my twelvth cleanse produced none. Five subsequent cleanses during the following years also produced no more stones. I have seen similar results in hundreds of people, despite the fact, they never made any changes to the recipe. How could I possibly make 3,500 stones from a total of 6 cups of olive oil during 12 cleanses and then make none when I used the same amounts of olive oil and Epsom salts during these subsequent cleanses?
You are on the right track, Robbie, but it is for you to come to that realization yourself. It is part of your journey. You will be swayed by others from time to time when you believe that you could be a "victim" of some kind. The loss of confidence helps you to become aware of the vulnerbility you think you have. You need to experience it, so that can let go of the illusion that you cannot trust yourself or anyone.
With blessings,