Re: Crawling up throat HELP!
Humaworm, this is such a BS!
1. Large
Tapeworms are known to be stuck securely in one place and hardly ever move. Some small
Tapeworms may migrate from the large to the small bowel in response to host's eating.
Tapeworms do not have mouths on their heads with which they would feed. They do not have digestive organs at all: no mouth, no anus, no alimentary canal. They absorb the nutrients through their skin called tegument. Their "heads" are actually attachment organs with which they secure themselves to the wall of the intestine.
What this woman describes sounds a lot like a typical
Ascaris migration in response to inadequate medication. The herbs she is using, including pumkin seeds, are for tapeworms, not round worms like ascaris.
In her place I would get levamisole 150 mg and take it at once and perhaps repeat the dose in a day, if she does not passes them out after the first dose. Albendazole/mebemdazole may be useless for her at this point. And I would be very careful not to take more than 150 mg of levamisole, because a mistake in dosage could be deadly.
On the other hand, if a worm is stuck in her bronchial tube, she most likely needs a real MD to take it out.
This horrible situation could have been avoided if she had an O&P test to determine what type of
parasite she had and prescribed a proper medication for it to begin with.