Re: Any suggestions?
thank you very much for your insights.
You're welcome.
What medications do you use for candida/fungus?
Depends on several considerations, such as the 'focal' ['focal' is an apparent location with a pathogen 'source']; also depends on the strain one's dealing with.
What I do is that I test the strain for sensitivities/concentrations, and THEN only then do I proceed to 'medicate'.
I prepare the compounds to be used based on the tests and then it's much a process of repetition in this regard.
It also depends on which other organisms are 'coexisting' with it/along its line.
It also depends on how the body is responding to the pathogens [I mean, if the body's doing its own work, it's wise not to disturb it].
(just let me know if I am asking "too many questions" =)
Asking question's a good way to learn; I ask a lot of questions myself all the time.
I'll be happy to answer to my best knowledge whenever possible.