19 y
I've been craving peanut butter and
Celery all week, which is something that I rarely eat.
I bought the homeopathic remedy Sulphur 30C. It is for acute vaginitis with a yellowish green discharge. Hopefully it will help boost my immune system.
I also mixed GBWH and WW in a little distilled water, dipped a cotton ball in it, inserted in my vagina, and experienced almost instant relief from the itching.
Background- I started getting yeast infections in my 20's, and noticed that if I let them go for a while, the discharge would change from white curdles to smooth and creamy yellowish. I had the yellow discharge cultured and it was haemopholus (sp?).
If I let it go, it would clear up when my period started. After my period, the yeast would come back again, then the h. would kick in and eat up the yeast, then I'd have another period. A friend of mine who is a scientist said that my body had probably developed a process of, or reached a state of homeostasis, or something like that.
When I stopped having periods a few years ago, the cycle ended. But I still get a white coating on my tongue and occasionally a small amount of vaginal itching if I eat a lot of sugar, which tells me there is still some candida in my system. I take
Grapefruit-Seed-Extract and it clears up the white coating pronto.
Right I now have a really bad yellowish discharge. I'm thinking my "premonition" of getting rid of the yeast was correct. Since I don't have periods any more, there is nothing to stop the haemopholus from going nuts. Maybe the GBWH WW will do it.